Saturday, July 9, 2011

in a tiny little church...

In a tiny little a tiny little town... another love story has unfolded.

This simple little country church has seen so much love over the last 175 years. This is the church where my Great Grandparents, Grandparents, Parents, myself, and my children have grown up. It still looks the same. The floors still creak in the same spots, the pews still feel the same, and the stained glass windows still hold the same magic for me.

The giant bell still rings as majestically as she always has and children(and adults like me) line up to take a turn pulling the rope.
As I sat at my pew while the wedding party rehearsed, I thought about the pews that were empty now. You see, the protocol in a small country church is; each member kinda owns his or her own pew and it ain't cool to sit in somebody elses pew! If you think a sweet southern elderly lady can't be tough-just go and sit in her spot! So, as I sat in my proper spot, I remembered one of those sweet little ladies. Ms. Leak. I couldn't tell you what she looked like or really much about her other than the location of her pew and that she handed out hershey's kisses to all the children EVERY single Sunday. I thought she was the cat's meow! She has been gone for a very long time, but I am sure that I could feel her sitting in the back left hand corner counting to make sure she had enough kisses for everyone! Love. Love is a beautiful thing, isn't it?

It comes in weddings(isn't this a cool chalkboard program)...

It comes in memories...

It comes in our families and all of their silliness...

It fills our hearts ...

till we think they might just burst! I hope your weekend is filled with Love and Joy and all thing silly! Congratulations Kristen and Nick. You are loved!

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