Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Too HOT!

It is 103 degrees and 100% humidity in Southwest Georgia. The air is so thick you can hardly breathe and the gnats are even thicker. Why, oh why, do we choose THESE days for remodel projects??? Our lower garden has been looking pretty sad. It is one of those areas that is really great and has lots of potential BUT is also one of the "our of sight, out of mind" spots. We kinda forgot it was there until Jay decided it was a good project for the week.

We are covering the ugly walls with this scrumptious wide corrugated tin. All rusty and crusty and just perfect for my plans.

Here is the other side. It is waiting for an arbor tomorrow so that I can put my iron bed under it. I can't wait to show you the progress! Meanwhile, Lindsey and I have VERY important work to do inside(where the air conditioning is!) She is putting new items on the online store and I am busy painting furniture to have for Saturday!

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