We went junkin' and junk is what we found. Here are my treasures from four long days on the road! I think that "the picker's" have picked our roadways clean and all that is left is either pink or glittery. Of course, pink and glittery is just my style, I'm just not sure how many of our customers think it is as sweet as I do! Empty nest plus dog days of summer = a need for a giant attitude adjustment. I think I will take my treasures home, love on them a little bit, put on my big girl panties, and be back tomorrow with a great big pink, sparkly smile!
"would you rather say, "I wish I had" or "I'm glad I did"?"
Oh my! what beauuuuteeeful junks!!! I'm coming home on Tuesday to babysit lil' miss brooks...we will have to plan a play date!