And in a New York minute our time was up and my sweet sunshine flew away to fulfill her dream of visiting Africa. She will be studying animal behavior at a watering hole in South Africa for 2 weeks and then sightseeing 2 weeks. I hope that it feels like a New York minute till I pick her up but I pray it feels like a lifetime and dream come true for her. I am so proud of her for being so brave and making her passion her reality. Kelsey, if they have internet out there at that watering hole...remember to have fun, don't worry, wake up every morning and revel in where you are, be yourself, don't go in to town by yourself, don't eat monkey meat, and if you see a lion stalking you...lay down and play dead! You are my sunshine and I love you!
I had a great time with you guys! It's always a special treat when family comes to visit!!!
Ki (and peanut)
i miss you kelsey!!! (and can't wait to spoil and meet peanut/bubba)