Today we started out at Chelsea Market. I was kinda hoping to see Rachael Ray or Bobby Flay
but since I didn't see anybody, I just decided to host my own show. This is me practicing for the show.

Jay, this picture is for you. We have to connect our 3 buildings in Sasser and I really like the way this looks. Could you do ours like this?

Unless you really like the smell of fish and lots of other unknown odors, I would suggest the Golden Buddha restaurant over in SoHo. Our lunch was good but we chose the safe menu items. They offered duck intestines, chicken feet, lots of frog dishes, pig foot soup....we opted for the rice dishes.

These dried fish were popular with the locals! When we decided that our noses had been satiated with all of the chinatown they could take, we decided to go to Little Italy. On our walk there, we had our most exciting New York moment- A POLICE RAID! A VEGETABLE police raid! We figured they were selling black market veggies on the side of the street cause the police had the garbage truck there and they were all throwing crate after crate of veggies in the trash! Who would have guessed that we would walk up on a veggie raid in Chinatown! I'll let you know if we see any more info on this exciting raid.

Little Italy smelled a bit better but we were tired by now. A NYC yellow taxi is a beautiful thing when your feet have walked 2 miles too far.

I believe you are having toooo much fun.... is that even possible?
I'm just imagining what the "meats" encompassed and looked like... *winks* Is it wrong that the ONE thing I'm now focused upon is the only thing you didn't photograph and got me intrigued about?! *LOL*
ReplyDeleteDawn... The Bohemian