Here are a few more pictures from around Marburger.

Her displays will blow you away with her originality. By the way, those are metal fly wheels that she is using for her chargers!

Her linens, slipcovers and pillows are some of my favorites. I would love to carry these in Alice and Jay. What do you think?

Around the Bend willow furniture and mirrors are some of my favorites. This mirror really wants to come home with me. It kind of reminds me of my hair on most days.

Yes, I would definitely would carry those linens, slipcovers and pillows. They are to die for! I love the way the ribbons looked displayed. I would buy way more than i need too. : ) I love all your photos! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for posting those pictures, about the mirror and your hair, that is too funny! Enjoy your stay at Round Top and remember, we want lots and lots of pictures!
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of using the metal fly wheels for chargers. Hmmm...wonder if we could find enough for Kristen's wedding reception.
ReplyDeleteLOVE LOVE LOVE the pillows! I'm in the process of trying to find pillows for my house next year, in Athens. PLEASE let me know if you bring these back to Sasser. I'm from Albany so I would definitely make a trip for them! Ya'll are finding some amazing stuff!!
ReplyDeleteWill you have the chandeliers that are in the picture above in your store in Sasser?
thanks for the mention you guys! my pics of your booth are comin' up. hope your dad is feelin' better! love love the header pic!