Our personal assistant(my lovely daughter) looks thrilled to be up at 6 am. She would rather the early bird have all of the worms but we were the first ones out this morning and we got all of the BEST junk. Hopefully we will be able to have a few new things in the store by this Saturday.

In between our junking, my botanical roots(I actually have a degree in plant sciences) always seem to surface. We kept seeing these white feather looking things floating all around and could not figure out exactly what they were. Finally, I found this GIGANTIC dandelion. This thing was incredible.

I am pretty sure that we could hear the Fantasia melodies as Jay took a breath and set the fairies free.

Then, I turned the corner and found the sweetest bed of lavender. It was full of busy bees and smelled so heavenly. We can't grow Lavender in Sasser so it is always a treat to find it growing.

A great day of junking followed with a prickly pear margarita and a great Midwestern sunset. See you tomorrow.
E-mail me and I'll send you my phone #
I know Lindsey was tired after loading the trailer all by herself - the girl needs to sleep!
ps. that picture of the sunset is lovely. someone awesome must have taken it.
The giant dandelion is 'tragopogon dubius' -
When I was a girl in growing up in Minnesota, we used to take a can of hairspray and lightly spray this flower. After letting it dry for a minute or two we would pick them with long stems attached. They made beautiful dried flower arrangements - for a while :) before they fell apart. One time my aunt actually spray painted a bunch. Thanks! Brought back some good memories.