I have a cat named Lily. I am convinced that Lily is a little angel cat and she is one of my soul mates, a split-apart. We once had a cat that we loved dearly, Otto. Otto passed away far too soon and Kelsey and I were heartbroken. One afternoon I was in the back yard and I heard a tiny noise coming from Otto's grave site. I moved back the bushes and there sat the fluffiest calico kitten right in front of Otto's angel that we had to mark his resting place.

Without hesitation, we scooped her up and started trying to find her a new home. No luck. I was determined that we did not need another cat! Still no luck. Darn cat was just so cute but I was certain that she did not belong at our house. A few weeks passed and I had to make a week long trip to the beach.

The week that I was gone, Lily disappeared too. I issued the BOLO and had everyone searching. No Lily. The day I returned home from the beach, Lily returned home too. This happened several more times when I had to leave home. By now I was beginning to realize that Lily and I shared an undeniable connection. She goes about her days minding her own business unless I am sick or sad, then I have a kitty perched right beside me surely trying to heal my soul.

I thought that I built this bird feeder for my birds but Lily knew that I really built it for her to use on rainy days. If there is a drizzle in the air she heads straight for her home.
Now, if you ask my girls, they will tell you that Lily is spoiled rotten and gets away with anything. They are just jealous!