This building is the old Bank of Sasser. It still has the original vault that was built in the 1800's. It had been vandalized before I purchased it, but it still has 2 old safes inside the vault.

The large safe against the wall will have a permanent home in the vault as it weighs almost as much as the building. I think it will make a lovely accessory!

Safe #2 was able to removed with lots and lots of man power. It is amazing how something so small can weigh SO much. Just in case you are wondering...the only treasure I have found is a penny! And it wasn't even an old one!

Here is the same view as the first picture a couple of weeks ago. We have a new roof and are getting ready for a new floor!

Jay decided that the roof of the vault was just way too cool to not expose some of it. It has a brick dome roof that was hand laid and absolutely beautiful.

Our goal is to have this building open and complete by our Halloween Open House in mid September! I keep you up on the progress of this sleeping beauty!